Stupid Economics - A blog about economics and politics

Vaccine efficiency video

March 30, 2023other

Ever since the start of the covid crisis, governments and other organizations started a propaganda campaign to influence the public opinion to accept unprecedented measures to combat a not so extraordinary epidemic. But when the mRNA vaccines became available, the campaign turned into massive manipulation of data. In this video, I use an imaginary vaccine to show some of these manipulations.

Some thoughts on the takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk

April 26, 2022economy

The acceptance of the offer made by Elon Musk for Twitter is creating havoc in a particular section of the public debate. Here are my thoughts about it.

On skepticism about COVID-19 vaccines - II

April 11, 2022other

On February 2022, the covid hysteria entered a new phase when the Omicron wave made clear that the mass vaccination campaigns have failed to control the covid pandemic. Contrary to the official narrative, maintaining a high degree of skepticism regarding the necessity and convenience of mass vaccinating the entire population using insufficiently tested vaccines was the most rational position. In this second post of the series, I argue that the mass vaccination campaign was a government failure.

On skepticism about COVID-19 vaccines - I

April 6, 2022other

On February 2022 the covid hysteria entered a new phase when the Omicron wave made evident that the mass vaccination campaigns have failed to control the covid pandemic. Contrary to the official narrative, maintaining a high degree of skepticism regarding the necessity and convenience of mass vaccinating the entire population using insufficiently tested vaccines was the most rational position. On this first post of the series I summarize the evolution of the official narrative and how it diverged from the evidence that was showing that the vaccines were not in fact as safe and effective as they had been presented.

Some epidemiological considerations about respiratory viruses

March 12, 2022other

In November last year I reviewed my initial reaction to the Covid 19 panic. On this one I revisit the situation at April 2020, this time armed with the new knowledge that I have accumulated since then. Even if this knowledge is new to me, it was very well known by the same experts that acted against all the accumulated wisdom about pandemic management for the last century.

What makes a market free

March 9, 2022economy

On previous posts I have been dealing with common alleged market failures. I plan to continue presenting many other false market failures, but I think that it would be convenient to clarify the concept of the Free Market before continuing with the series.

The elusive market failure II

November 24, 2021economy

On my second post about the stupid behavior of market skeptic intellectuals I discuss about discoveries regarding discriminating practices that are supposedly caused by the free market. As it was the case with intellectuals looking for inefficiencies all they really achieve is to prove, withouth any reasonable doubt, their ignorance about the World and their irrelevance to influence it in a positive manner.

COVID-19 Impressions - Eighteen months after

November 21, 2021politics

Eighteen months after my initial response to the Covid panic, the official treatment of the Coronavirus crisis has not improved, if anything has worsened. On relaunching my blog I have reviewed my initial thoughts about the Covid hysteria. I am surprised to see that I maintain most of what I thoght at the time.

The elusive market failure I

November 19, 2021economy

There are many market skeptic intellectuals that rejoice finding alleged market failures. What they don't realize is that the only thing that they demonstrate is their complete ignorance of how markets work.

Back to blogging ... I hope

November 11, 2021other

I started this blog last year as a reaction to the COVID-19 hysteria. Unfortunately the very reason that motivated the creation of the blog was also the reason that killed it.

COVID-19 mismanagement I - Nosocomial infections

May 28, 2020politics

It is a known fact that hospitals are important focus of infections. These infections are a serious and unresolved issue in normal times, but in the case of the COVID-19 disease, they have become the single most important problem.

COVID-19 First Impressions

May 21, 2020politics

I have not changed substantially the initial analysis I made at the beginning of March of the underlying medical threat posed by the COVID-19 virus. The information already available at that time suggested that it was a serious issue that required an immediate response by the medical establishment, but nothing indicated that it required an unprecedented disruption to the lives of the general population and a collapse of the economies of the most advanced countries of the World. Unfortunately my analysis was not shared by most governments, resulting in the current situation.

Welcome to StupidEcon

April 10, 2020other

I had the idea to create a blog about Economics almost a year ago, but I have been procrastinating ever since. The recent situation brought about by the Covid-19 panic has finally compelled me to start the blog.